Ask An Arborist: A Tree Care Q&A

Here at Arb Tech, we get a lot of questions from homeowners curious about their tree care, and our job is to help educate people on good tree health and safety. That’s why we sat down with certified arborist Dallas Stephens to help answer some of the most common and important tree care questions we receive.

Q: What's the difference between an arborist and a landscaper?
A: Arborists specialize in the care of individual trees and are trained and equipped to provide proper care for them. Landscapers touch many bases like hardscapes, mowing, flowers, etc.

Q: When should I hire an arborist? What qualities or certifications should I look for?
A: You should hire an arborist if you value your trees, and more so if you have old, mature trees. I always recommend homeowners hire a certified arborist -- whether through their local arborist association or through international organizations.

Q: When is the best time to plant a tree?
A: It depends on the tree. I like to plant evergreens in the early fall and most other hard woods in early spring.

Q: What are the best types of trees to plant in the Midwest?
A: Slow growing trees – these types of trees tend to be a harder wood and have better structure to them, which helps in our stormy seasons.

Q: How much should I expect to spend on tree care?
A: There are many factors that go into tree care cost: size, location, removal vs prune etc. I can say that quality tree care is worth the investment.

Q: Are there certain types of trees that are more 'low maintenance' than others?
A: There are many low maintenance trees: ginkgo, hedge and black gum are just a few. Most low maintenance trees are slow-growing and have great structure to them.

Q: What's the most common mistake people make when it comes to tree care?
A: Thinking they can do it themselves. Tree care is the #1 most dangerous job next to an active military situation. Homeowners should never attempt to do any work without proper training or guidance from a certified arborist.

Have more burning tree care questions? We’d love to answer them! Give us a call at 913-954-7004 and speak to one of our experts today.

Tree TLCDallas Stephens