Why Mulching Is the Tree Care Step You Can’t Skip This Summer

closeup of red-brown tree mulch evenly spread around a birch trunk

Tips From Our Kansas City Tree Care Experts That Can Save Your Soil

Mulching your tree is part of a comprehensive tree care routine. If you want your tree to have a long, healthy life, this essential step can’t be skipped. So, what are the benefits of mulching your trees, and where can you find a professional tree arborist near you?

Our Kansas City tree care experts at Arb Tech are here with the answers you’ve been looking for with these top five benefits of mulching your trees and the tips you need to keep your landscape thriving.   

Mulch Keeps the Moisture Around Your Tree

The soil surrounding your tree needs to have just the right amount of moisture in order for it to flourish. This is especially true for young trees. 

A good layer of mulch can stop the sun from zapping your soil of all its vital moisture and keep your soil protected from even the hottest Kansas City days.

Tree Care Tip: Avoid making a volcano shape around the trunk of your tree. This causes moisture to build up around its base, which leads to damage to the trunk or tree disease. An even layer around the base of your tree will keep your soil from losing moisture.

Mulch Provides Gradual Improvement of Surrounding Soil

When you use high-quality mulch around your trees, it breaks down and adds nutrients to the soil beneath it. 

This feeds your trees organic nutrients to help it grow, which means you spend less time fertilizing their roots, and more time enjoying your landscape.

Tree Care Tip: When you use low-quality or rubber mulch, you risk heavy metals and toxic chemicals leaching into the soil surrounding your trees. If you need help mulching your trees, turn to the certified arborists at Arb Tech, and we’ll make sure your trees are taken care of.

Mulch Is Tree Care That Prevents Soil Erosion

Have you ever tripped over a tree root while taking a walk through your yard? You can thank soil erosion for that. 

Rain, wind, and soil settling cause your soil to erode, and lead to unsightly roots appearing in your landscape. Mulch protects your soil from the elements, keeps your tree’s roots protected, and stops you from falling.

Tree Care Tip: Different terrains require different types of mulches. For instance, if you’re trying to prevent soil erosion on a slope, it’s best to use pine straw or wheat straw mulch. However, cedar bark chips may be the perfect mulch for a tree on more even ground. Call the Kansas City tree care specialists at Arb Tech to know which kind of mulch is right for your trees.

Reduce Disease With Tree Mulch

Did you know not all fungi are bad for your tree? While many people who are new to the art of tree care believe that a fungus growing in your soil is a bad thing, it’s actually a good sign that your soil is very healthy. 

Mulch promotes the growth of beneficial fungi that have disease-suppressing properties, and can even prevent disease pathogens from reaching your tree in the first place. 

Tree Care Tip: It’s important to keep in mind that while there are types of beneficial fungi for trees, there are also bad ones, too. When you’re not sure what type of fungus is growing on your tree, call Arb Tech, the tree arborist near you that can accurately provide a tree risk assessment and care plan to keep it happy and healthy. 

Tree Mulch Provides Weed Suppression

Just a few inches of high-quality mulch can suppress weeds, grass, and other plants from stealing vital nutrients from the soil surrounding your trees. When you don’t maintain the grass and weeds around your trees, it can prevent them from growing to their full potential.

Not to mention, tall grass and wild-looking weeds look unappealing in any landscape. So, keeping them maintained is a win for both you and your tree. 

Tree Care Tip: Mulch tends to travel with kids and pets. It’s helpful to apply landscape edging or a tree surround to keep your mulch in place. Ask the certified arborists at Arb Tech which tree care products are right for your landscape when you schedule your next service.

Turn a New Leaf With the Best Tree Care Professionals in Kansas City

At Arb Tech, we know how important your trees are to your landscape and your happiness. Not only do they provide beauty in spring and shade in the summer, they also provide memories for you and your family.

When it’s time to take care of your trees, don’t just call on any tree arborist near you. Turn to the certified arborists at Arb Tech, where your trees are always in expert hands. 

To schedule a service with Arb Tech, call us at (913) 954-7004, or book your service online. Don’t forget to ask us about commercial tree trimming for your business in Kansas City, too!

Dallas Stephens