Kansas City Tree Care During Droughts and Excessive Rain

Excessive rain

Our Tree Surgeon’s Top Tips for Making the Right Choices

Did you know trees get stressed out? That’s right! Drought and too much precipitation can cause your trees to display symptoms of stress, just like any other living organism on the planet. So, how do you choose the correct tree care when your landscape isn’t feeling lively?

Don’t worry, the best tree arborist in Kansas City has the answers you need to keep your trees in good health, and how to know when it’s time to call in the experts. 

Let’s Get to It - Summer’s Almost Here, How Do I Choose Tree Care During a Drought?

Watering your trees and other parts of your landscape during a drought has always been a point of confusion for many people. On one hand, you definitely need to give your trees water, but you don’t want to over-water them, either.

The good news is that it only costs a few dollars a month to water a mature tree. The bad news is that you need to do a small amount of work to determine whether it’s time to water your tree during a drought. 

First, check the soil around your tree, using an old screwdriver to dig into the ground at least 6-inches deep. If the soil is dry, hard, and crumbly, it’s time to slow-soak your tree with water. 

That means you slowly and deeply water your tree’s roots, in order to provide it with much needed moisture but not disturb the soil beneath and around your tree.

Tree Care Tip: It’s best to skip the fertilizer during the hottest months of the year. It encourages leafy growth, which requires more water. This is also true during excessive rain. New growth will take away from a tree’s ability to completely recover from being over-watered. 

Look for Signs of Drought-Stress in Your Trees

Some signs of drought-stress in trees are obvious, but others require a closer inspection. 

Wilted Foliage

This is the first and most obvious sign your tree has drought-stress

Leaf Drop

When there isn’t enough water to sustain your tree, it will shed its leaves as a form of defense

Premature Fall Coloration

Your tree will have a decrease in photosynthesis, which causes its leaves to turn brown. This results in your tree not being able to supply itself with nutrients in order to live. 

Pest and Insect Infestation

Whenever a tree lacks water and enters a weakened state, it’s susceptible to pests. Infestations cause long-term damage to your tree, and might even kill it.

Tree Care Tip: When you see signs of drought-stress in your trees, it’s usually too late for a simple soaking. Call the certified arborists at Arb Tech for expert tree care in Kansas City, and we’ll do everything we can to save your tree!

Okay, How Should I Care for My Tree During Excessive Rain?

We know what you’re thinking - and yes, your trees can get too much rain. Your tree’s roots and leaves need oxygen just as much as they need water. When your tree gets soaked with too much precipitation, the surrounding soil can’t supply oxygen to its roots, and your tree is susceptible to root rot and other infections.

Even without root rot, long-periods of rain stunt the function of your tree’s roots, and it will struggle to push out fresh growth.

So, how much rain is too much rain? While there’s no specific measure for “too much rain,” an above-average rainfall in Kansas City always calls for tree care. Here are some signs your tree has received too much water:

  • The base of your tree is always wet

  • Leaves are fragile and break easily

  • Recent growth at the base of your tree turns yellow

  • New growth at the base of your tree withers before fully grown

Tree Care Tip: Check for signs of over-watering at the beginning of next growing season, too. If your tree hasn’t fully recovered, it might be a sign of a more serious problem. Call a tree arborist near you to diagnose the problem and find a solution to get your tree healthy again. 

Why Tree Care in Kansas City Is Important for the Lifespan of Your Trees

Many people think they can plant a tree in their yard and walk away. After all, when you live in the Midwest, you’re bound to get plenty of sunshine and precipitation. However, it’s not a secret our weather has been a little extreme over the past few years.

These wild swings in temperature, long-periods of drought, and excessive amounts of rain all have different effects on your trees, and they each need special attention.

Don’t Just Go With Any Tree Arborist Near You - Get Your Tree Care From Arb Tech!

Give your trees the TLC they deserve, by contacting your local certified arborist and tree surgeon at Arb Tech! Our team takes the guesswork out of tree care in Kansas City, and keeps your trees in top-notch shape!  

Call our office in Overland Park at (913) 954-7004 or make an appointment online. We can’t wait to improve the health of your trees!

Dallas Stephens