The Right Tree Care Prepares Yours for Summer Storms

hands protecting a tree from a storm

Ask Our Certified Arborists in Kansas City for Their Expert Opinion on Caring for Your Trees

Weak trees are no match for gusting winds and powerful summer thunderstorms. But you shouldn’t wait to find out whether your tree will withstand the weather.

Preventative measures can be taken to not only protect your tree from further damage, but also to protect your home, vehicles, pets, and family members.

Follow our advice for Kansas City tree care so you can continue enjoying your trees for years to come.

Trim Weakened Branches and Limbs

It’s unlikely that your entire tree will be uprooted in a storm - although it can happen. It’s far more common for large branches to break off and do damage.

Long before a storm hits, contact a tree arborist near you to remove branches that may be vulnerable in a storm. Professional tree pruning minimizes harm to the rest of your tree and encourages growth and health.

Keep in mind that there’s never a bad time to remove a dangerous limb, and you shouldn’t wait until your life or property are threatened.

Consider Mulching and Cabling or Bracing

Your goal during a storm is to keep your trees firmly rooted in the ground. You can take simple measures to strengthen your tree’s root system, and there are more robust systems available from certified arborists as well.

If necessary, an arborist from Arb Tech can cable or brace your tree. These are proactive techniques that support a weak tree. Not every tree requires this, however.

Fortify your tree’s roots by adding mulch around the base. This will help the soil keep moisture so the roots can pull nutrients from the soil. Accessible nutrients make for healthier, sturdier trees with deep root systems.

Watch for Tree Disease and Decay

If you look closely, you can see changes in your trees should they become weak or diseased. As the disease develops, you risk tree death, which can cause your tree to topple over in heavy storms.

Cavities - weak, hollow areas - and oak wilt or Dutch elm disease can weaken branches and limbs, causing them to break off and fall onto your house or car. Even without the dangers of powerful storms, an unhealthy tree is at greater risk.

Contact a certified arborist right away if you suspect your tree isn’t as healthy as it once was.

Don’t Overwater

During hot summer months, soil moisture evaporates quickly, so you may find yourself watering your tree more often.

But you don’t want to overwater and turn the soil into a soggy mush, which can lead to root rot and the development of fungus, both of which can weaken your trees and cause long-term stress.

Follow these watering tips:

  • Water in the morning or evening, which gives your tree’s roots a chance to absorb the water before it evaporates in the heat of the day.

  • Water until the soil is moist, never oversaturated.

  • Established trees need 10 gallons of water for each inch of the trunk’s diameter.

  • Water newly-planted trees each day for the first couple of weeks, then once a week throughout the growing season.

Be Proactive About Tree Care

Some tree owners are lucky that their favorites grow sturdily and heartily without intervention. But nature works in mysterious ways, and sometimes trees need a little help from humans to thrive.

Throughout the year, make sure you provide your tree with enough water, prune back damaged branches that can hoard nutrients, and be mindful during the times your trees are most likely to contract disease or become infested with pests.

Just like you’d go to the doctor for a check-up, it’s wise to schedule check-ups for your trees with a certified arborist. Think of us as tree doctors, and we - obviously - make house calls.

Seek Help from a Certified Arborist in Kansas City

If you aren’t 100 percent confident that you know what you’re doing in terms of taking care of the trees on your property, then you should call on a tree care expert from Arb Tech to get help and guidance.

Arb Tech will send out a certified arborist to your property to evaluate your tree, make recommendations for care, and perform necessary work to keep your tree healthy - and do it all safely.

For more than seven years, Arb Tech has taken care of trees on commercial and residential property all across the Kansas City metro, including in Overland Park, Prairie Village, Parkville, and Blue Springs.

Let us show you why KC residents count on Arb Tech. Contact us to schedule tree care.

Dallas Stephens